Tuesday, October 15, 2013

With Me In Seattle Series

Hello Everyone!
I have said before how much I like series and I want to talk about a great one.

The "With Me In Seattle" series is written by Kristen Proby. The stories follow a group of friends and family in Seattle (I know none of you would have guessed that. :)

Come Away With Me - The first story we meet Natalie Connor and Luke Williams. Luke is a tall and sexy movie star who has decided the lime light is too much for him and moves back to Seattle to be closer to his family. He meets Natalie while she is photographing he beach near Luke's house. Luke is a very private person and instantly puts up walls. But Natalie's curvy body and smile turn him on more than anyone ever has.
Luke and Natalie has a great chemistry and a large amount of passion. One fun things about romance novels is there is a part of them that are a little unbelievable. We find out that Luke is a famous movie star but Natalie has no idea who he is. She writes if off by saying she doesn't watch alot of movies. Every girl dreams of a sexy movie star picking them.
Luke is a very caring person. Right away he has a very deep need to protect Natalie. Luke made me want to spend time reading this book. Natalie also brings her own brand of sexy.
This book is a great way to start the series.

Under The Mistletoe With Me - This is the second story and a novella.  We meet Isaac and Stacy, who are Natalie's roommates brother and sister-in-law. They have been married for ten years and just recently had a baby girl. We meet Stacy and Isaac as they are trying to rediscover the passion in their relationship. The story take place at Christmas time
Just like Come Away With Me this is a great read. I made the mistake of not reading this until after the 6th book in the series and it added alot of character history I didn't realize I needed. Take it from me. READ IN ORDER! :)

Fight With Me - Next is Jules' story. We first meet her as Natalie's roommate. I love when authors know they want to make a series and have all the stories connect in a great way. During CAWM we find out Jules sleeps with her boss Nate (her calls her Julianne, Super Hot!) Jules at first tries not to let the relationship happen. There is a strict no fraternization policy. But Nate asks her for just one weekend and she just can't resist.
Nate will do anything to spend time with Jules. From their first night together he just can't seem to get her out from under his skin. Nate is a rebel, he wears his hair long and rides a motorcycle. And Jules loves herself a bad boy. They basically com-bust when they are together.
Just like the other in this series, its an easy read and pulls you along. It keeps you wanting to read on.

Here is the first three books in the series, start with these!

Happy Reading!
Red :)

Raw: Torn Between Two Lovers by Jo Davis

Well the day has finally arrived and I was very excited when I got the email from Amazon saying it was now available. So here we go...

Anna Claire is a the owner of a new restaurant . She's not one to let down her guard, but her new prep chef Grayson James is gorgeous and might cause her to break her rule. Soon she is does let down her guard and falls head over heels. But Grayson is no chef. He's an FBI agent investigating a drug ring he suspects is using her restaurant. Anna is shattered to learn she was just part of his cover.

The story starts off great. Jo Davis writes characters that are sexy and fun to read. But sadly this book is just too short. Anna is a great character. She is strong, smart and ambitious.  Right away I liked her. Grayson is sexy and caring but we don't really learn enough about him.

I really wanted to like this book and don't get me wrong I did read it twice in the last 24 hours. But I felt like it was really rushed. I wanted to fall in love with Anna and Grayson. There just wasn't enough time for that to happen. Anna and Grayson fell in love really fast. I know that is how it happens for some people and that's great but it left me wanting... I went in thinking I would be on #TeamGrayson, now I'm not so sure. I don't know if that's because I don't like Grayson or if I don't have enough info about him.

Ms. Davis is a great writer. She writes with passion and here characters are super sexy. All the book I have read of hers always make me adore the characters and want them to end up together. I will be reading the second book and I would still recommend this book. I just wish it would be a little long and more detailed.

Happy Reading!
Red :)

Friday, October 4, 2013

Lori Foster, I Love YOU!

Friday Happy Friday!

Let's talk about Authors...

There are several authors I consider my favorite and Lori Foster is one of them!

"Lori Foster first published with Harlequin in January 1996. Since those early days, Lori has routinely had 6 to 10 releases a year. Lori is a Waldenbooks, USA Today, Publisher's Weekly and New York Times bestselling author and is published through Berkley/ Jove, Kensington, St. Martins, Harlequin and Silhouette.
Lori visits daily with readers as part of the 'Running With Quills' blog at www.runningwithquills.com and at her busy message board featured on her website www.LoriFoster.com" - Amazon.com
The first of Lori's books I read was The Secret Life of Bryan. This is the second in a series of set in Visitation, NC. (At the beginning I always seemed to start with the second book in the series. Now read the descriptions and make sure its the first.) The Visitation, NC series are a great place to start.
Lori's heroes are always super sexy, strong and have lot of passion. Bryan is no different. One of my favorite things about Lori's writing is she doesn't write wimpy female characters. Some writers like to have overly strong men and silly weak women. But not with Lori. She writes interesting and smart women who are never dull and boring. You end up falling in the love with the couple while they fall in love with each other.

Great things about Lori's Books-
*Her short stories are great. Lots of short stories don't have a full story. More of a boy meet girl, then Bam! The end. Lori's short stories always have a great story line and make you like the characters in a short amount of time. Check out Truth or Dare!
*She writes about SBC Fighters. I really like the romance novels about professional athletes. Lori's puts alot of research into all of her stories. The SBC Fighters series doesn't just skirt around the fighters lives. She takes us inside and teaches us about the sport. Way cool! Causing Havoc is the first, start there!
*SERIES! I love her series. It's fun to start a new book and knowing the characters from a previous book. Like getting to watch an old friend now get to fall in love. There are several series she has that are great. I would start with the Visitation, NC series with Say No to Joe!

Please Please Please Check out Lori Foster if you have not! She even has a Pintrest! :)

Happy Reading!
Red :)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Trial by Fire by Jo Davis

 It's been a busy week for me reading away. Since I decided to start this blog I have been inhaling books. A couple new ones and a couple re-reads just for fun.  Let me tell you about the new ones...

 With the upcoming release of Raw & Risky by Jo Davis (which I wrote about yesterday!) I thought I would read a couple of her books. Before this I had not heard anything about Jo Davis and now find myself to be a fan. She has great stories and heartwarming characters.

In this first novel in the Firefighters of Station Five, we meet Howard Paxton aka Six-Pack. What a HOT nickname! :) Howard is a Lieutenant at the station, but is haunted by dreams of his past. Katherine McKenna is a feisty school teacher who with one look at Howard falls head over heels. But while they start to fall for each other an arsonist with a thirst for revenge might have deadly consequences for their new found love.
I have always been a big fan of romance novels that have a mystery thrown in. It helps pull the story along. Howard and Kat have an instant passion and desire for each other that is great to read and experience.
Howard is sweet and caring but super sexy and masculine. They are some heroes that can sometimes be too manly and can over power the heroine. Howard isn't like that. He lets Kat know his feelings but never sounds corny or overly rehearsed. (At one point Kat even asks if he think of these things before hand.) Howard is an insomniac who likes working on his hot bod when he isn't able to sleep. He is serious about his job and his family of "brothers" at the fire station.
Kat is the kind of gal I want to be. She is sassy, curvacious and a firecracker. When we first meet Kat she is trying to put out a house fire with a garden. Kat is not the type of person to sit around and let things happen to her. She puts up a fight. Kat likes that Howard makes her feel beautiful and is looking for her "other half."
Our crazy arsonist brings up some unwanted memories for Howard and he is forced to let Kat. He keeps us guessing and hoping that soon Howard can solve the mystery and keep himself and Kat safe.
Ms. Davis writes these characters with a great amount of chemistry and passion. They are a great match and you enjoy spending time with them!
I would give this 8 out of 10 freckles.

Happy Reading!
Red :)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Raw & Risky

Happy Wednesday!

Over the weekend my friend told me about a great new series coming out and I wanted to share this cool information with you too.

Jo Davis author of Firefighters of Station Five and Sugarland Blue is writing a new trilogy...

"TORN BETWEEN TWO LOVERS is a gripping and sexy romance trilogy with a unique twist: Our heroine needs your help to decide who wins her heart... RAW introduces this sizzling new series, in which two enticing men will vie for Anna's heart--culminating in a choice that will be determined by reader vote!"- Amazon.com

Raw: Torn Between Two Lovers & Risky: Torn Between Two Lovers are the first two books in the series. In the third the readers get to pick the man the heroine to end up with. So many of us have read those series and hated who their heroine decides to chose. Sorry Jacob fans but it will always be Edward! Not this time.

We the readers will help Anna pick between Grayson and Joaquin. One is a sexy undercover FBI Agent and the other a handsome Crime Boss. As of right now just from the descriptions I'm on #Team Grayson but I will have to wait til October 15th and November 19th to make my final educated decision.

Look forward to meeting these sexy guys!

Happy Reading!
Red :)

Monday, September 30, 2013

Happy Reading!

Hello There!

My name is Shannon and I'm starting a BLOG about books!

Here is some history about me... Born and raised in AZ, Redhead, and lover of ROMANACE Novels!!

Growing up I always had trouble reading and spelling. It might be partly because of the ADD or just my over active imagination, but I could never stay focused long enough to make it through a page. I would get to the end of the page and realize I had no clue what happened. So I wouldn't read and tell everyone I was more of a movie girl.

I became a lover of reading about back in 2008 with Twilight. (I found out a guy I went to High School was staring in the movie version and thought I would check it out.) Yes I know what you are thinking... why would I listen to a girl who claims Twilight as one of her favorites. But please hear me out. Although yes, Twilight has its faults... the many spelling and grammar errors, plot holes and silly over dramatic teenage angst but it got me hook. It became my first love of books. There have been many many better, but Bella and Edwards will always have a place in my heart.

Now I am happy to say I LOVE to read!! And here I am to share that love of reading romance novels with you.

Let's get this train a rolling...

I have already told you about the first book I enjoyed reading and now here is the second.

This book has published back in 2008 by Ballantine Books. Amazon has it as a 3 out of 5 stars and there seem to have a lot of unpleasant reviews but I don't agree.

The story is about Emily Albright, a manager of a book store in New York and a Jane Austin fan, who is need of a change in life and love. Emily decides to take a Christmas trip to England for a guided tour of Jane Austen country instead. She finds herself the youngest female and meets a man who she believes has to be the biggest jerk possible.

Here is an expert from the Amazon Book Description...
The last thing Emily expects to find on her excursion is a broodingly handsome man striding across a field, his damp shirt clinging to his chest. But that’s exactly what happens when she comes face-to-face with none other than Mr. Darcy himself. Suddenly, every woman’s fantasy becomes one woman’s reality. . . .

I really enjoyed this book, 8 out of 10 freckles! ;) I'm a big Jane Austin fan. (The Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightly is amazing!) So anything with the words Mr. & Darcy in the title makes me drool. Emily is someone who is just looking for her happily ever after.  She goes to England hoping to find a little magic that only her favorite author could give her. Emily is a heroine you like and root for. She meets a guy who she thinks is the man of her dreams but maybe its time to wake up. The old saying is true the grass isn't always greener.
 I'm terrible at spoilers so I wont say too much more. But if you enjoy sweet and simple romance books this is a great choice. Perfect for a vacation book or long plane ride. Its a good escape that makes you look for the romance in life!

Happy Reading!
Red :)